Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Worried Mother & The Sad Puppy

How Emotions can make you sick (part 2)


Growing up I had two best friends with whom I have shared laughter, jokes, travels and many adventures. Now, when I go back to France to visit, I see them both. 
Marie is a married mother of 2 and works at a bank. Christelle is single and lives at home with her ill parents. I spent a whole day at our hometown outdoor pool with them last summer, and was surprised at whom they had become (Not that I"m perfect, far from it, but luckily, this isn't about me).  Marie is now constantly worried about her kids and won't let them do anything: she's overprotective and never laughs anymore. Christelle looks defeated, she reminds me of a sad puppy.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees emotions has a major cause of illness and each emotion relates and affects an organ or system, within the body. 

- According to TCM, the Digestive system (which encompasses the spleen and the stomach) connects with the following: constant worry, over thinking, over analyzing, over studying, and too much mental overwork (Do you work at a desk all day?). This system also correspond to the sensitive, compassionate and nurturing person, the grounded and adaptable. All the emotions and personality traits above are good for productivity and when caring for someone, but if they start to affect your health, then maybe you should really start worrying about that! 
If your brain won't shut off and you cannot sleep at night, that won't be good for anyone. Or if you're over sensitive, you will spend hours analyzing what so-and-so said to you this morning, and make movies in your head that are just fiction. What about over nurturing everyone else, but never taking care of yourself (Yes, you know who you are!).

The symptoms showing an imbalance of the Spleen & Stomach: Often when one worries, the digestive system gets affected. Some eat starch or sugary snacks to compensate for the emotional turmoil, others feel nauseated and loose their appetite. The following are symptoms that may be caused by over-thinking or worrying too much: poor appetite, cravings, not hungry for breakfast, food sensitivities, constant hunger, nausea worse on worrying, bloated after meals, heart burns, acid reflux, extreme fatigue, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, poor focus, blood sugar imbalances, and loose stools. Also being affected by season or extreme weather changes and sensitivity to extreme temperatures. For women, there may also be light or no period, Poly Cystic Ovarian syndrome, or uterus prolapse.

  1. Spleen & Stomach Friends: Acupuncture, herbal medicine, taking time for yourself, and reading books like "Don't sweat the small stuff". Finding rhythms & cycles that are simple & harmonious with your own, meditate, reassess often. Learning to say "no" and not feeling guilty about it.
  2. Spleen & Stomach Foods: Brown Rice, Quinoa, Sweet potato, turnip, pumpkin, peas, carrot, squash, cherry, figs, ginger, cinnamon, salmon, halibut. 
  3. Spleen & Stomach Foes: Always putting everyone else first, taking on too much, cold, raw and sweet foods, lots of dairy products, late night eating or overeating at one meal. No ability to adapt to change, and obsessive behavior.

Don't worry, be happy.


- According to TCM, the lungs and immune system connect to the following: Sadness, grief, crying easily, and feeling blah. This system also correspond to the person that can easily let go, has good self worth, is patient and trustworthy, pure and a gentle soul. And if you're the kind of person that never finishes whatever you started (Like the remodelling of the garage or the book you're been writing for the past 10 years), then your lungs and your immune system, according to TCM are weaker. If someone never cries, even though they're sad, it will fester and create issues. If a person cannot let go of an emotion or a past event, they will eventually get affected physically by it. Being patient and gentle is very good especially if you have children but if you don't assert yourself, they will take advantage of you. Remember, it's always about balance. 

The symptoms showing an imbalance of the Lungs & Immune system are: sadness which may bring about fatigue, weak voice, shortness of breath, pale complexion, and slouching body posture. Dry skin or skin issues such as eczema or psoriasis. Also grief for many years will deplete the immune system and the person may be more susceptible to colds and flus. Asthma, chronic cough, environment allergies (such as dust, pollen, ragweed), and any pulmonary diseases may get worse on emotional downturn.

  1. Lung & immune system Friends: Acupuncture, herbal medicine, councelling to help deal with past event or difficult grief. The outdoors, being social, joining groups and volonteering. Also building a strong immune system by eating a wholesome balanced diet. 
  2. Lung & immune system Foodsfermented foods such as tempeh, miso, saurkraut and plain goat yogurt. Pear and peaches, almonds, fennel, mustard green, broccoli, cauliflower, ginger.
  3. Lung & immune system Foes: Smoking, stress, no exercise, not enough fresh air and oxygen (Working inside all day, driving home and staying indoors), wanting revenge, not forgiving yourself or someone else. Antibiotics, processed and chemical ridden foods, as well as sweet & dairy products, will create more issues for the immune system.

Don't be sad, ask for help!

For: "How emotions make you sick" (Part 1) on Anger & the liver, Fear & the Kidneys, click here.

Clara Cohen
Port Moody & Coquitlam Acupuncturist

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