Clara Cohen is a registered acupuncturist in BC and focuses mainly in Mental health and Gynecology including depression, anxiety, bipolar, insomnia, fertility and acupuncture, IFV and acupuncture, PCOS, menopause and more... For inquiry, call Clara at 604-618-1552
Monday, March 26, 2012
Acupuncture for Stress and to relieve tension
What causes stress?
Stress may come from different causes and is not always negative. Getting married is stressful (Hello Bradzillas!) but it is a happy positive occasion. Any major event can cause stress but personality traits can also be the culprit. Some can be controlled: like when we feel overwhelmed because we take to much on, and cannot say "no"(You know who you are). and some cannot (like a death of a clue one). Here are the major causes of stress:
What symptoms does stress generates?
The body can't make the difference between physical and psychological threats. When you’re stressed over a busy schedule, an argument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be “on” most of the time. No time to breath and chill out? Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Pay attention and listen to your body. If the following symptoms get worse with stress, then it's time to take action and find the time to relax and chill out!
How to manage stress and cope with it's symptoms.
Some causes of stress cannot be avoided (like a death of a loved one, losing a job or being in car accident) and having coping mechanisms with help. Other stress when self imposed can actually be controlled and should be addressed (like learning to say "No" when you really don't want to add up another thing on your already busy plate).
And if you have questions, feel free to contact me, I'll be more than happy to get you in a relax state.
Clara Cohen
Port Moody & Coquitlam Acupuncturist
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