Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Acupuncture for stress

Often my patients will tell me their Family Doctor dismisses acupuncture as a healing tool because there is no research or proof that it helps patients health. I usually tell my patients that the studies are everywhere, especially now with Google, we can access it all so easily. It just that most MDs don't look for them, that's all.
The Wold Health Organization also has a whole web page dedicated to the benefits of Acupuncture.
Here's a study on the benefits of acupuncture for stress. Even though Acupuncturists have treated many patients successfully reducing their stress level and the consequence of it; stress often can cause the following: High Blood Pressure, digestive issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fertility issues...
It's always great to see studies done to re-enforce public's opinion.
I am happy to see it on the web for all of us to read and share.

Acupuncture Reduces Stress, Improves Memory – New Study

If you have any questions about Acupuncture, feel free to call or e-mail me.
Clara Cohen
Port Moody Registered Acupuncturist

Friday, December 9, 2011

Causes of diseases in Chinese Medicine: Environment

TCM causes of diseases

In Chinese medicine, the causes of diseases are as follow:
- Lifestyle (diet, sleep, stress, exercise, drug use...)
- Environment
- Poison
- Wrong treatment (happens more often than you may think)
- Trauma (mental or physical)

Click on the cause above to understand the Chinese medicine view on each of those and learn about your own health.

Depending on the environment a patient lives in, it may create imbalances in their health. If someone lives in a Damp, rainy climate (like Vancouver or a basement suite with mold...), it may create a lot of damp symptoms like post-nasal drip, swelling or edema and much more. Environment may also aggravate an already existing condition such as Asthma or Arthritis (Often Arthritic patients do much better if they move to a dry warm climate).
Climate is not the only issue, a work environment may really make a person ill. Jobs where people breath chemicals all day like hairdressers or nail specialist will eventually affect them. According to a few studies,working in a hot steamy kitchen for years may (for men) lower their sperm count or motility.
When I treat a patient and see them for the first time, knowing their job and their living conditions will help me determine what the cause of their issues are and help them rectify it as much as possible.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me,
Clara Cohen
Port Moody & Coquitlam Acupuncture