Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chinese medicine view on the causes of disease: weak constitution

TCM causes of diseases

In Chinese medicine, the causes of diseases are as follow:
- Weak constitution
- Lifestyle (diet, sleep, stress, exercise, drug use...)
- Poison
- Wrong treatment (happens more often than you may think)
- Trauma (mental or physical)

Click on the cause above to understand the Chinese medicine view on each of those and learn about your own health.

Weak Constitution

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it is believed we're all born different and our body and mind come from our parents constitution and their health at the time of conception and during pregnancy.
Some of us are born with better health than others at the start of our life and those individuals, according to TCM, have a weaker constitution which pre-dispose them for certain illnesses. Someone born with a chronic condition is definitely weaker than a healthy baby. Also some hereditary disorders are due to a weak constitution or our parents passing on their genes to us.
So overall, like the color of your eyes, your constitution is your blue print, your DNA and cannot be changed. It is possible to keep the patient comfortable if their is an illness with weak constitution but very difficult to change it or reverse it completely.

That is the only cause of disease in TCM that is the hardest to treat or see great results from, but TCM can often slow the disease down and allow the patient a better quality of life.

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