Friday, June 25, 2010

First time Acupuncture questions?

Does it hurt?

During most treatments you don't feel anything at all, and generally the most discomfort you may feel is a quick twinge that goes away immediately. The most common side effect reported is occasional light bruising on an area that was treated.

Are the needles sterilized?

In Canada and in regulated Provinces like British Columbia, the needles have to be disposable (one time use). They come in a package that your Acupuncturist opens at the time of treatment. It is safe and clean.

How many needles are inserted during a typical treatment?

The amount depends on the condition, sex, age and vitality of the patient, but typically it ranges from 8 to 18 needles.

How many sessions does a patient require to see a difference?

Again this depends on the conditions (acute requires less sessions versus chronic which may need more), the vitality of the patient and also what the patient does with the Acupuncturist recommendation after treatment (ie; diet, lifestyle change, exercise...) will affect the number of sessions. But usually after 3 treatment, the patient should feel some improvement with the condition.

Clara Cohen
Port Moody & Coquitlam Acupuncture

Friday, June 4, 2010

Depression and Acupuncture study

In 1998, the NIH's Office of Alternative Medicine funded a study at the University of Arizona. Working with acupuncturist Rosa Schnyer, John Allen PhD devised a 16-week trial on 34 seriously depressed women. First the two worked up a standard treatment plan that targeted certain "depression points" on the body. Then they devised a dummy treatment calling for needles in nonspecific places. The acupuncturists administering the treatment had no idea whether they were using the real plan or the dummy plan.
Then the subjects were divided into three groups. The first group received the depression-specific acupuncture, the second group got the dummy treatment, and the third group was put on a wait list before being placed on eight weeks of the real thing.
Following the treatment, the depression-specific groups experienced a 53 percent reduction in their symptoms compared with a 19 percent reduction for the dummy group. More than half no longer met the criteria for clinical depression. Only five people dropped out of the study - two who moved away, one who became pregnant, and two who didn't like the needles. The dropout rate was much lower than for studies using medications.
Two advantages of acupuncture, Dr Allen told a seminar at the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association Conference in Boston, include no language barrier (a factor for patients who have difficulty speaking English), and its low cost compared to conventional treatment.
I have treated successfully many patients with depression. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.

Clara Cohen

Port Moody & Coquitlam Acupuncturist